
Showing posts from December, 2022

Which one is best platform for ecommerce website?

  Selling and buying goods and services over an electronic network, like the Internet, is known as e-commerce, sometimes known as e-business or electronic business. It also involves the electronic transfer of data and funds between two or more parties. In a nutshell, it is online shopping as we know it. E-commerce was created when companies began using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the 1960s to send and receive commercial documents. Online retailers started to emerge in the 1990s, and they are now a significant trend. The first online purchase was made by US retailer Net Market on August 11, 1994, when they sold a Sting CD. E-commerce websites are online markets that make it possible to trade goods and services over the Internet by sending data and money. When e-commerce first started, some transactions were done via phone and email.  E-commerce websites function similarly to other types of websites in that they inform visitors. The usage of payment processors and payme...